How important is getting a warranty on your used car?
From personal opinion, I'd say extremely important.

Think about it carefully.
Services don't cover everything. What if your starter motor gives in? For a new starter you're looking at about R1300, and that's not including installation. Or maybe your alternator? New one, about R1900, once again, not including installation.

Lets look even bigger, what if you're whole engine seizes? New engine about R20 000.
Do you have that kind of cash lying around?
If you are the kind of person that carefully works out their budget to just cover what they can, then you need a warranty. If you specifically have to budget ahead for a NEED a warranty.

Now warranties do not cover everything. They do not cover wear and tear items. They cover mechanical failure. And yes, you will have to keep your services up to date, and use mechanics that are approved by your warranty, and yes that will be an extra lump on the initial cost of your vehicle, but believe me I am talking from experience when I say IT IS WORTH IT!
Because when "the fit hits the shan" its essential to have a back-up plan
Speak to your dealer when you buy a car about what warranty plans they have available.
This is a very great guide to everyone who wish to purchase a used car. If you are buying used car, You know how confusing it can be. There are many things to look for when purchasing a used car.
ReplyDeleteUsed Trucks Savannah Ga
Let's face it-- nothing in this life is certain and that goes double for used cars. You never know when you car's engines will stall for all eternity, along with the money you've just spent on it-- all floating towards the waste bin. Having a warranty, and knowing what it covers will help relieve some of the pressure off of you should anything happen.
ReplyDeleteStelle Courney